Friday, February 24, 2012

This is seen as swelling of the skin around ...

What is subcutaneous emphysema? Rare compulsive build skipping air or gases like carbon dioxide trapped in the subcutaneous tissue called subcutaneous emphysema. This is seen as swelling of the skin on the neck and covering the chest wall. Palpation of the skin, strange crack produced in the form of bubbles prodavlyuyetsya through the fabric. The condition is not painful at all, although it may feel like knots or uneven pieces, and this is especially the feeling of liquid under the skin called kutis subcutaneous crepitation. Excessive accumulation of fluid in the chest and neck can be fatal to life due to the restriction of air corridor. The most common and visible sign and symptom of subcutaneous emphysema is an inflammation around the neck accompanied by chest pain. Other symptoms include tender sore throat, sore neck, problems swallowing, breathlessness and wheezing. Diagnosis by X-ray chest showing air bubbles right in the middle of the chest cavity, which is the mediastinum. The best and easiest way to diagnose subcutaneous emphysema is physically touching the skin covering the neck and chest lasix drug dose. In this regard, touching, pushing the bottle produced by the body tissue, and sound like Rice Krispies touch or tissue paper goods. The condition is painless, but in severe cases of infiltration excess air in the tissue, swelling of the face in large amounts can occur, which is also one of the symptoms

subcutaneous emphysema. Even the neck down and will be changes in his voice too.

emphysema articles
In a more serious condition, the air is able to spread in different parts of the body like limbs and abdomen. This is because there is no division of adipose tissue under the skin restricting the air flow and prevent further movement. One of the main reasons is the subcutaneous crepitation leakage of air through the lacerations on the skin caused by stabbing, blunt trauma or gunshot wounds. A muscular movements of air drawn in easily and quickly spreads to the neck and chest. Breach bronchus, esophagus and lung buckles and other causes for this condition. Here are subcutaneous emphysema is therapeutic reasons: Pneumothorax Subcutaneous emphysema pneumothorax occurs when the pleural cavity of the chest, which is in between the chest and lungs filled with gas or air. There is pressure on the lungs and can lead to partial or complete collapse. There may be no specific reason for this condition, but one of whom chest trauma. Cough, unilateral chest pain and anxiety may be caused to the patient. Sound breath taken or partially or completely absent on the affected side. Bronchial rupture pipes, this gap trachea, leading to shortness of breath or dyspnea leads to a sudden crackling subcutaneous. Tachycardia, hypotension, anxiety and extreme possibly hemoptysis are typical signs of bronchial rupture. Rupture of the esophagus may rupture or perforation of the esophagus due to the use of medical instruments used for diagnostic purposes. P Another reason may be postoperative injury or disease related to the esophagus. The condition is rare and affects only 3 100,000. If caught, it can cause local tenderness, severe pain in the neck and orthostatic dizziness. Disproportionate expansion of the chest with nasal burning and fever are also present. Gas gangrene is extremely rare but very dangerous intrusion into the skin over the wound anaerobic microorganisms. Break the skin expose black and red necrotic muscle is accompanied by an unpleasant odor of watery discharge. Cyanosis, fever, inflammation and pain are prominent. As in that no special treatment of this disease, except that section, or catheters that are placed into the skin to release the air enclosed in the thoracic cavity. This is called subcutaneous emphysema. P Even transplanting lungs happens sometimes. This is done in case of severe crunch, and if moderate, supplemental oxygen through a mask to control shortness of breath, as there is patient. The doctor will give advice to refrain from smoking and avoid areas contaminated with dust and smoke. When pneumothorax is the cause of emphysema, the

subcutaneous emphysema chest tubes are used to support the tab situation. With placement of chest tube, the source through which air is removed. If the number of air leaks in it increases the existing pipes can be replaced by one more. Reference: See also: 14. September 2010.

The average american gets more than enough protein, so

To prevent osteoporosis avoid: I think one of the leading participants to osteoporosis >> << in the U.S. carbonated drinks that contain phosphorus. Studies have shown a link between too much phosphorus and calcium loss. If you are absorbing down a couple of carbonated soft drinks per day, you are likely

a bone loss. Another source of excessive phosphorus our U.S.

eating too much meat. The average American gets more than enough protein, so

for most of us it can only help to reduce our consumption of meat. The recent trend >> << among those who love food but do not like the consequences of too much fat and protein

is to use meat as a garnish or flavoring in food, but not

, bulk. Fill in vegetables and complex carbohydrates (whole grains, potatoes

rice, corn, beans), and use the meat to enrich your diet. Beans >> << excellent and nutritious source of protein and contain many important vitamins and minerals

. Coffee, alcohol and smoking cigarettes

Here is another good reason to either give up coffee and alcohol

or use them in moderation. And I must tell you how important it is

quit now! (It

is never too late to take advantage >> << quit). Each of these substances creates a negative calcium balance

in the body. Substances called fitaty and oxylates bind with calcium in >> << colon and form insoluble salt that makes calcium in vain. Bone

content of minerals of smokers is 15-30% lower in women and 10-20% lower in

men. Smoking is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis. Twice >> << Many women with osteoporosis smoke as compared with women who have osteoporosis

. Aluminum Do not take antacids with aluminum and do not use aluminum pans

cooking. It was shown that small amounts of aluminum-containing antacids

increase the urinary excretion of calcium and prevent the absorption

fluoride and inhibit absorption of phosphorus, creating a >> << a negative balance of calcium. Calcium is excreted instead of

used. Diuretics medications that cause loss of body water. With water you lose minerals, especially calcium, magnesium and potassium

. They are widely used in traditional medicine to treat high blood pressure

, leg edema and congestive heart disease. People who

use diuretics have a higher risk of fractures. If you want to use diuretics,

try a gentle herbal, such as dandelion root in a tincture, capsule or tea

. Fluoride What is so bad about fluoride? You probably think this is just

builds purchase lasix good teeth. There is a good, solid scientific evidence that fluoride >> << drinking water increases the risk of hip fractures by 20-40%. So much fluoride

was introduced in our water and toothpaste for the past 30 years

level in our water, food and drinks are very high. When eating a normal diet the average person

exceed the recommended dose. There is also evidence that

ingesting high fluoride can lead to abnormal bone growth. Please avoid

fluoride in all forms including toothpastes and mouthwashes. You can be thankful, if you live in the community >> << unfluoridated because it is not so easy to get rid of fluoride in tap water. Distillation and reverse osmosis are the only two reliable methods of disposal

fluoride. Other water filters can work on removing fluoride for a short period of time >> << but fluoride binds so strongly and quickly filter materials

, such as coal, binding sites become fully occupied after

short time. If you are at high risk of osteoporosis, I recommend you spend money on

water filter that removes fluoride. High doses of cortisone known osteoporosis risk long-term treatment

with synthetic cortisone such as prednisone. With cortisone (or more

correctly, glucocorticoids) that are closely related to progesterone in th

Molecular structure of the theory is that they compete for the same receptor sites

bone-building cells. However, while progesterone gives bones the message

grow cortisone give bones the message to stop growing. If you

should be on cortisone, talk to your doctor about using low-dose natural cortisone called >> << hydrocortisone, not synthetic cortisone. You can see the

. him or her to book

safe use of Cortisol by William Jeffries

. Bone mineral density (IPC) test is one of the best ways to find out if you are losing bone at >> << someone measure the height and then check it every six months or so. If

You start to lose altitude, it is a sure sign that you are losing bone at the back

. I recommend that women at risk of developing osteoporosis receive bone density measurement

how they are going into menopause. So you will have the basic

with which to compare later bone density test to measure progress

. The safest and most accurate way to measure bone Photon

absorbtsiometriya and dual energy x-ray Absorbtiometry (DEXA), which is 96-98%

accurate and uses very low doses of X rays. I do not recommend CT as they

use too high X-ray radiation. A new method of measuring bone loss is

called "urinary pyridinium," which measures the substance in urine >> << that may indicate a rapid turnover of bone. For more article that bone density tests

really mean and how to interpret them, please read

October 98 issue of the newsletter >>. In two words

<< If you smoke, stop now. Reduce or eliminate coffee and alcohol. (No more than

one cup of coffee and alcoholic drinks a day. If you are at high risk I advise elimination


Get some exercise at least encumbrance 1:00

three times a week or 20 minutes every day. Avoid antacids and hydrochloric acid (H2) blockers

such as Tagamet, Zantac and Pepcid. Avoid prescription drugs that cause bone loss, such as

diuretics and synthetic cortisone. If you are over 50 years, to avoid fluoride toothpastes

, mouthwash and tap water. If you live in the community fluorinated

and high risk of osteoporosis, investments in water filter that removes fluoride

. For more detailed osteoporosis, please read Chapter

for osteoporosis in our book >>. <<

Despite the increased risk of atrial fibrillation ...

(Zoledronovoyi acid, Novartis)

(ryzedronat, Sanofi-Aventis/Proctor Gamble)

(pamidronat, Novartis)

(ryzedronat, Warner Chilcott)

(ibandronat, Roche)

(ibandronat, Genentech / Roche)


(alendronate, Merck)

(Alendronate + vitamin D3, Merck)

(zoledronovoyi acid, Novartis )

(tiludronate, Sanofi-Aventis)

(zoledronovoyi acid, Novartis)

Since 1995, millions of older women have a class of drugs called bisphosphonates

, to stop the progression of osteoporosis, provided that after menopause causes bones thin and become brittle. For postmenopausal women, osteoporosis can mean not only distort the widows hump, but in severe cases can lead to fractures of the spine and hip. Bisphosphonates stop bone-thinning development of bones, preventing loss of calcium and other minerals that keep them strong. Some drugs bisphosphonates are also used to treat patients with bone cancer dangerous high levels of calcium in the blood and the victims of disease Pagets, painful disorder that weakens bones Many bisphosphonates are taken orally, or in tablets or capsules,. Others introduced by injection or intravenously and can be taken daily, weekly, monthly or even annually, evidence, now is that these drugs may pose health risks .. much worse than the condition of their prevention or treatment. On the one hand, these popular drugs are prescribed by many women who suffer from osteoporosis, but instead had osteopenia loss of bone mineral density, which is normal for most older women. However, not every woman who has osteopenia will develop osteoporosis. manufacturers promote long-term use of these drugs for osteoporosis without studying their potential long-term effects. As it turned out, because the cure for osteoporosis have an unusually long half-life, they remain a threat for over a decade after someone stops taking drugs . Recent studies are indicated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have shown that women who took bisphosphonates for more than five years had an increased risk of atypical femur (thigh). fractures recently reported this risk came to n ' five numerous reports of jaw osteonecrosis, esophageal cancer, and arrhythmias associated with osteoporosis medications A recent study confirms that doctors are more and more of their patients. This class of drugs for osteoporosis is a serious threat to health and safety of millions of people Atypical podvertelnyh fractures (fractures of long bones), especially the hip and thigh bones of many patients who have suffered fractures experienced groin or thigh pain weeks in advance .. some broken hips, doing something simple like get out of bed or shodyachy the sidewalk. One Research, the number of patients taking bisphosphonates drugs broke both legs. osteonecrosis (ONJ for short, sometimes called bisphossy jaw), which literally means the death of jaw bone. This is especially widespread after major dental procedures, and requires extensive antibiotic therapy and / or surgical intervention. In some cases call for that part of the jaw, the long (cut out surgically) and can lead to prolonged disability. esophageal cancer through stimulation of the esophagus (tube that carries food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach). It was suggested that inflammation esophagus associated with the development of esophageal cancer. While the relationship is not proven, FDA has recorded at least 68 cases of esophageal cancer in patients taking oral bisphosphonates, many of whom died. Early studies have shown that, especially when prolonged use, patients taking these drugs osteoporosis face twice the risk of developing esophageal cancer than seen in the general population. arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation. In 2007

New England Journal of Medicine reported that Reclast and Fosamax were two studies involved women aged 65 to 89 years, all of whom had osteoporosis and were treated with bisphosphonates. Although the increased risk of atrial fibrillation was noted, as reflected in lasix 80 mg the labeling warning Reclast FDA still does not recognize the clear link between the general influence of bisphosphonates and rate of serious or frivolous atrial fibrillation. doctors continue to over-prescribe these dangerous drugs and manufacturers continue. more to promote them yet, at least ten years, current research shows link between osteoporosis drugs and devastating damage:

Back in 2003 , >> << Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Maxillofacial called necrosis jaw growing epidemic. Its author, Dr. Robert Marx, a major maxillo-facial surgery at the University of Miami. Dr. Marx details the state of 36 patients with painful bone exposure responds to ... surgical or medical treatment. In these patients had one thing in common. all received bisphosphonates intravenously Just a few months later, in 2004, Dr. Salvatore Ruggiero Long Island Jewish Hospital published

: 63 patients with osteonecrosis of the jaw, 56 of cancer and 7 with osteoporosis. In October 2007 the FDA issued a warning with reference to the articles and letters to the editor in the May 3, 2007, issue of

New England Journal of Medicine. article and letters describing two different studies, increased rate of atrial fibrillation in elderly women with osteoporosis who received Reclast and Fosamax., refers to a large study zoledronovoyi acid (also known as Zometa), showing statistically significant increased rate of serious atrial fibrillation. to June 2009 was a sufficient number of studies have confirmed the danger to bring down the bones, joints and / or muscle pain in patients taking bisphosphonates drugs such as Actonel, Actonel + Ca, Aredia, Боніва, Didronel, Fosamax, Fosamax + D, Reclast, Skelid, and Zometa. FDA published

warning that severe musculoskeletal pain may occur within days, months or years after starting bisphosphonates. These issues are now considered some of the labeling of products, although many patients and their doctors known. Recent FDA Drug Safety Communications will bring observation research communications podvertelnyh hip fractures and patients with osteoporosis treated with bisphosphonates. B, FDA recommends only that doctors be aware of these risks. a security update >> << However, FDA has indicated that although it is not clear if bisphosphonates cause ... these atypical fractures may be associated with long-term use of bisphosphonates. This information has been added Warnings and precautions in the labeling of all bisphosphonates drugs approved for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. In addition, FDA requires new restrictions on the use statement

Indications and use of the drug label and new management took prescription medicine to accompany in pharmacies. In September 2010

American Society for bone and mineral studies provided diagnostic criteria called for improved drug warning labels, and called on the international registry of patients for bisphosphonates caused atypical or long bone fractures podvertelnyh. (For links to current information about the patient and to the current labeling, click on the products listed separately on top of this page ).

Although the FDA continues to wait for epidemiological studies for risk of osteoporosis drugs, millions of patients ingesting bisphosphonates since 1995 are in grave danger. Unfortunately, little was done to let this valuable information on patient safety, or require Merck, Novartis, and other manufacturers of bisphosphonates to fund appropriate studies to assess long-term risks and effectiveness of this class of drugs for osteoporosis. Numerous lawsuits were filed, and court efforts are made to coordinate state and federal cases in New York, Pennsylvania, California and New Jersey. By 2010, most of these claims were limited to intravenous drug Fosamax and Aredia and Zometa. Most of them involved patients suffered osteonecrosis of the jaw to the drug labels warn of those dangers. Since 2010, legal efforts have been focused on the atypical long bone fractures of the femur or the air 'associated with osteoporosis drugs. anticipated that future claims will be extended to cover the whole spectrum. new bisphosphonates such as Boniva and Actonel, which have the potential to cause harm in the same time, it is to patients, especially postmenopausal women, make informed decision on osteoporosis drugs:

Learn more about osteoporosis. One good resource.anabolic research llc conversation with their doctors. Stay up to date with new information. willingness to symptoms of bisphosphonates, drug-related conditions.

During this process, certain white blood ...

The immune system consists of lymphoid tissue in the body, which includes bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus, tonsils and spleen and part of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, there are proteins and blood cells that are part of the immune system. The immune system protects the body from harmful substances called antigens. Examples include antigens of bacteria, viruses, toxins, cells

, and foreign blood or tissues from another person or species. When the immune system detects an antigen, it is responsible by producing proteins called antibodies that destroy harmful substances. The immune system also includes a process called phagocytosis. During this process, certain white blood buy generic lasix cells swallow and destroy bacteria and other foreign substances. Immune system occur when the immune system does not fight tumors or harmful substances as it should. The immune response may be overactive or lowered. Immunodeficiency disorders may affect any part of the immune system. Most often this situation occurs when specialized white blood cells called T and B lymphocytes (or both) are not working as it should, or when the body does not produce enough antibodies.

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Hypogammaglobulinemia, which usually causes respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, leading to frequent severe infections at an early age, and often deadly

inherited immunodeficiency affecting T-cells may lead to increased susceptibility to fungi, resulting in duplicate Candida (yeast) infections. Legacy combined immunodeficiency affects both T cells and B cells. It can be fatal within the first year of life if not treated early. People say that immunity when they immunodeficiency disorder due to medicines that affect the immune system (eg, corticosteroids). Immunosuppression is a common side effect of chemotherapy given to cancer treatment. Acquired immunodeficiency may be a complication of diseases such as malnutrition (in particular, the lack of protein). Many types of cancer may also cause immunodeficiency. People who have been removed spleen in their acquired immunodeficiency, and a higher risk of infection by certain bacteria, spleen, normally help fight. Patients with diabetes are also prone to increased risk for certain infections. With age, the reduced effectiveness of the immune system to some extent. Immune system tissues (particularly lymphoid tissue such as the thymus) shrink, and the number and activity of white blood cells drop. .

Elliptical trainers: elliptical trainer ...

Any gym exercises for osteoporosis is great for making bone strength, improve balance and strengthen muscles. Well designed program includes gym exercises. However, some exercises, when done properly, can increase the risk of fractures. In the video I show 8 and gym, and they should be made to maximize bone building while reducing. Lower Lat: PI show a wide grip and narrow grip reverse thrust down. This is a great teaching scales. A couple of points: first, from Lat pull down you need to pay attention to the bench height.anti immune system Many times the height of the bench was set higher for men, and you need to make appropriate adjustments. Second, do not draw a line down the neck. This lasix side effects is bad and can lead to stress on the neck and shoulders, and can increase the amount of bending back. Curl preacher and regular exercise for biceps: Preacher Curl puts the spine in position at risk and may result in bending. This vortex should be avoided. Instead, I recommend the Standing biceps. Biceps great teaching scales. Rowing simulator: rowing simulator great cardiovascular exercise weight bearing. I will demonstrate how to create and execute a number. Leg presses: a good alternative to squatting and great exercise weight. You should pay particular attention to the location to make sure that you are not bending forward and ensure that you maintain good alignment and position of all training. Tricep cable pull down: This is a great teaching weight and a great alternative triceps extensions on the floor or ball. PPay attention to your alignment, to isolate the triceps and try to avoid overload weight. Elliptical trainers: elliptical trainer provides a great cardiovascular workout exercise and weight bearing exercise is good. Make sure you avoid leaning forward as you hold the vertical bars. Keep your posture perfect. Chest Press: Chest Press is an alternative to shock and weight bearing exercises. However, this may jeopardize your posture. There are some modifications you need to know: save the alignment, do not let your elbows go past the shoulders and push through the arms and chest Pnot abdominal muscles. Free weights: Free weights are weight bearing exercises. However, you should contact with free weights with the appropriate body mechanics. In the video I show some important tips for dealing with free weights. If you follow these guidelines, you will improve your bone health (and overall health), practicing safe habits exercise. For, I urge you to read the program

. Good luck in gym exercises for the treatment of osteoporosis! Health care workers: Creating Better Bones-line courses of prevention, treatment and treatment of osteoporosis. Women and men: Exercises for improving bone osteoporosis exercise program that strengthens bones, reduces risk of fractures, improves balance and creates self-confidence. .

He promises index does slightly better ...

Doctors describe the severity and progression of emphysema staging system. Although all of emphysema is unique, emphysema staging can help with the weather. However, no system setting emphysema can accurately predict what will happen to any individual with emphysema. Emphysema formulation requires lung function (PFTS). Doctors use PFTS follow lung capacity in people suffering emphysema. In Association, a person with emphysema breathes and blows air through the tube while the air flow is measured. Emphysema weather man largely determined by the PFTS. Damage to the lungs in emphysema creates a small pocket of air into the lungs where air is trapped. Trapped air makes it difficult for people with emphysema to blow strongly. The more air trapped, the worse becomes a function of the lungs. Over time it becomes harder to breathe emphysema and pulmonary function test results fall.emphysema chronic bronchitis One of the main production system is called emphysema GOLD. It was established an expert group called the Global Initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease. The main factor in the Golden staging emphysema is the amount of air a person can breathe with emphysema force in one second. This is called forced expiratory volume, or FEV1. Stage I, mild emphysema: FEV1 greater than or equal to 80% of normal. Stage II, moderate emphysema: FEV1 less than 80% but greater than or equal to 50% of normal. Stage III, severe emphysema: FEV1 less than 50% but greater than or equal to 30% of normal. Phase IV, very severe emphysema: FEV 1 less than 30% of normal, or less than 50% of normal low levels.

Setting Gold emphysema is well known and widely used. The above statement Golden emphysema emphysema provides worse prognosis. However, GOLD staging emphysema does not include other areas of activity are important, such as people living with emphysema feel. Emphysema affects more than able to take air through the tube. Index Bode, another system emphysema setting, the effect of emphysema a few areas in life:

* Body Mass Index (B), or weight adjusted for height. * Airflow limitation (O for obstruction), measured pulmonary function. * Shortness of breath (D for dyspnea), measured profiles. * Capacity (E), measured by how far a person with emphysema can walk in six minutes. Bode index does slightly better at defining emphysema prognosis, emphysema than production of gold standards. Emphysema prediction is impossible to determine in any individual. Although emphysema setting can help determine the severity of emphysema, it can not predict the future. There was no large studies to determine the effect of emphysema on life expectancy. The largest and best study included only a few hundred people. Emphysema setting is useful, but emphysema varies between two people on the same stage. In other words, the limited available statistics emphysema are not reliable for individuals who seek their life emphysema. However, the above statement emphysema person, the less their long-term emphysema life. Gold and Bode emphysema staging system provide some other information, summarized as follows:

* More lasix 6 mg than 80% of people with mild emphysema alive four years later. * 60% to 70% of people with mild emphysema alive four years later. * Among people with severe emphysema (FEV1 35% of normal), 50% are alive after four years. * People with worse symptoms of emphysema (eg, inability to walk around the house and severe weight loss) have the lowest life expectancy of emphysema. Remember that life emphysema varies widely, even among people with the same pulmonary function and Bode index evaluation. Even with the most severe emphysema, the chances of survival one year higher than 90%. Your doctor or pulmonologist can provide more information. Traver GA American Review Respiratory Disease, 1979, vol 119: pp. 895-902. Sella's in New England Journal of Medicine, 2004, vol 350: 1005-1012 gg. Albert R. Clinical Medicine breathing, Mosby Elsevier, 2008. American Lung Association Web site: Diseases AZ: emphysema. National Heart lung and Blood website: Diseases and Conditions Index: COPD. Posted 06/16/10, 11:18 pm.

Ekman, md, director of endocrinology ...

Osteoporosis is the most common type of bone disease. Researchers estimate that about 1 in 5 American women aged over 50 have osteoporosis. About half of all women over age 50 will have a hip fracture, wrist or vertebrae (bones of the spine). Osteoporosis occurs when the body is lasix 16 mg unable to form enough new bone, when too much old bone is absorbed by the body, or both. Calcium phosphates and two minerals that are necessary for normal bone formation. For youth, your body uses these minerals to produce bones. If you are not getting enough calcium, or if your body does not absorb enough calcium from food production bones and bone tissue may suffer. With age, calcium and phosphate can be absorbed into the body of the bone, making the bone weaker. This can lead to brittle, fragile bones that are more prone to fractures, even without injury. Typically, the loss occurs gradually over many years. Many times, people will have a fracture before becoming aware that the disease is. By the time the damage occurs, the disease is in advanced stage and seriously damaged. The main causes of osteoporosis is to reduce estrogen in women during and lowering testosterone levels in men. Women over 50 and men over 70 are at increased risk of osteoporosis. Chronic, chronic kidney disease, eating disorders

Taking corticosteroid medications (prednisone, methylprednisolone) every day for over 3 months, or taking anticonvulsants

white women, especially those with a family history of osteoporosis are more than average risk of developing osteoporosis. Other risk factors include:

Absence of menstruation (There are no symptoms at an early stage of disease or slouch, also called "hump widow"

bone mineral density testing (such as densitometry or. DEXA scan) shows that the number of bone you have. Your doctor uses this test to predict risk of bone fractures in the future. For information about when testing should be done, see. special type, which may show loss of bone density, quantitative computed tomography ( QCT), can be used in rare cases. In severe cases, >> << may show fracture or collapse of the vertebrae. However, simple x-rays of bones are not very accurate in predicting whether someone may have osteoporosis. You may need other blood tests and urine tests if your osteoporosis is due to health reasons, not simply the usual bone loss seen with age. There are several different treatments for osteoporosis, including lifestyle changes and various medications. osteoporosis was diagnosed with bone research density. osteopenia (thin bones, but not osteoporosis) was diagnosed with bone density studies, where fractures occur. Bisphosphonates are the main drugs used as prophylaxis and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Bisphosphonates taken orally include alendronate (fosamaks) ibandronat (Boniva), and ryzedronat (Actonel). Most of them take in, usually once a week or once a month. Bisphosphonates given through a vein (intravenously) are taken less frequently. calcitonin is a drug that slows the rate of bone loss and relieves bone pain. It comes as a nasal spray or injection. main side effects are nasal irritation in the form of spray and injection form of nausea. Calcitonin is less effective than bisphosphonates. or Estrogen (HRT) is used more often to prevent osteoporosis and is approved to treat women who have been diagnosed with the disease. Sometimes, if estrogen has helped a woman and she can not accept other options to prevent or treat osteoporosis, your doctor may recommend that she continue using hormone therapy. If you plan take hormone therapy to prevent osteoporosis, discuss the risks with your doctor. Teriparatide (Forteo), is designed to treat postmenopausal women with severe osteoporosis and are at high risk of fractures. medicine given through daily shots underneath the skin. You can give yourself shots at home. raloksifen (Evista) is used to prevent and treat osteoporosis. Raloksifen similar to the drug tamoxifen for breast cancer. raloksifen reduces the risk of spine fractures by 50%. However, it does not appear to other fractures, including those in the hip. This may have a protective effect against heart disease and breast cancer, although further research. The most serious side effect of raloxifene is a very small risk of blood clots in the veins of the leg (deep vein thrombosis) or lungs (pulmonary embolism). Regular exercise can reduce the likelihood of bone fractures in people. osteoporosis Some of the recommended exercises include:

weight bearing exercise - walking, running, tennis, dance

Resistance exercises - free weights, weight machines, stretch Group exercise

Balance - tai chi, yoga

Avoid exercises that is a risk of falling or impact-resistant exercises that can lead to fractures receive no less than 1200 mg per day calcium and 800 - .. 1000 IU Vitamin D3 Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Your doctor may recommend additions to your calcium and vitamin D you need. Follow a diet that provides the necessary calcium and. Although it will not completely stop bone loss, it will ensure that the supply of materials, the body uses to form and maintain bones is available. Leafy green vegetables such as spinach and greens

quit smoking if you smoke. Also limit alcohol consumption. Too much alcohol can damage the bone and put you at risk of falling and fracture is important for preventing falls Avoid sedatives and remove household hazards to reduce the risk of fractures Make sure your eyesight good and other ways to prevent falling include: ....

Use bars in the bathroom when needed

your response to treatment can be controlled by a number of bone mineral density measurements every 1 - 2 years. women taking estrogen should have routine mammography, pelvic exams and Pap smears. there are no transactions for treating osteoporosis itself. However, the procedure called vertebroplasty can be used to treat any small cracks in the spine due to osteoporosis. It can also help prevent weak vertebrae become fractured by strengthening the bones of the vertebral column. procedure involves introduction shvydkotverdnuchyy glue in areas that are fractured or weak. similar procedure, called kifoplastika, uses balloons to expand the area in need of glue. (bullets removed during the procedure.)

drug to treat osteoporosis, may help prevent fractures of the vertebrae, but have not fallen may be canceled. Some people with osteoporosis are becoming disabled as a result of weakening bones.

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hip fractures leave about half of patients unable to walk alone. This is one of the main reasons why people come to nursing homes. Although osteoporosis strong, it does not affect the duration of life. Call your doctor if you have symptoms of osteoporosis or if you want to test for the state. Calcium is necessary for building and maintaining bone health. Vitamin D is also necessary because it helps the body absorb calcium. When healthy, balanced diet can help you get these and other important nutrients throughout life. number of drugs approved for osteoporosis prevention. Cranney, Papaioannu, Zytaruk N et al, Clinical Guidelines Committee of Osteoporosis Canada parathyroid hormone to treat osteoporosis ..... systematic review CMAJ 2006 4, 175 (1) :52-59 M Gass, Dawson-Hughes B. Preventing osteoporosis-related fractures: a review Am J Med 2006; 119: .. S3-S11 treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: 2010 position statement Menopause Society North American Menopause 2010 January-February, 17 .... (1) :25-54 update: .. Ari S. Ekman, MD, Head of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Trinitas Regional Medical Center, Elizabeth, staff New Jersey provided by VeriMed review of the healthcare system is also discussed David Zieve, MD, Internal Affairs, Medical Director, ADAM, Inc ADAM, Inc is accredited by URAC, also known as the American Accreditation Commission for Health (www. URAC. org). URAC in

. is an independent audit to verify that ADAM should be strict standards of quality and accountability. ADAM is among the first to achieve this important distinction for online information and services. Find out more about Adam, and

ADAM is also a founding member of Hi-Ethics and signed by the principles of Health on Net Foundation (www. soap. h). information provided herein should not be used in any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any any disease. licensed should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of any and all diseases, call 911 for all ambulance links to other sites are provided for information only - ... they are not approved such sites Copyright 1997-2012 , ADAM, Inc Any copying or distribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. << >>

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Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed practitioner >> << Health. Consult your doctor before you start >> << nutrition, exercise, or dietary supplement program. .