Friday, February 24, 2012

This is seen as swelling of the skin around ...

What is subcutaneous emphysema? Rare compulsive build skipping air or gases like carbon dioxide trapped in the subcutaneous tissue called subcutaneous emphysema. This is seen as swelling of the skin on the neck and covering the chest wall. Palpation of the skin, strange crack produced in the form of bubbles prodavlyuyetsya through the fabric. The condition is not painful at all, although it may feel like knots or uneven pieces, and this is especially the feeling of liquid under the skin called kutis subcutaneous crepitation. Excessive accumulation of fluid in the chest and neck can be fatal to life due to the restriction of air corridor. The most common and visible sign and symptom of subcutaneous emphysema is an inflammation around the neck accompanied by chest pain. Other symptoms include tender sore throat, sore neck, problems swallowing, breathlessness and wheezing. Diagnosis by X-ray chest showing air bubbles right in the middle of the chest cavity, which is the mediastinum. The best and easiest way to diagnose subcutaneous emphysema is physically touching the skin covering the neck and chest lasix drug dose. In this regard, touching, pushing the bottle produced by the body tissue, and sound like Rice Krispies touch or tissue paper goods. The condition is painless, but in severe cases of infiltration excess air in the tissue, swelling of the face in large amounts can occur, which is also one of the symptoms

subcutaneous emphysema. Even the neck down and will be changes in his voice too.

emphysema articles
In a more serious condition, the air is able to spread in different parts of the body like limbs and abdomen. This is because there is no division of adipose tissue under the skin restricting the air flow and prevent further movement. One of the main reasons is the subcutaneous crepitation leakage of air through the lacerations on the skin caused by stabbing, blunt trauma or gunshot wounds. A muscular movements of air drawn in easily and quickly spreads to the neck and chest. Breach bronchus, esophagus and lung buckles and other causes for this condition. Here are subcutaneous emphysema is therapeutic reasons: Pneumothorax Subcutaneous emphysema pneumothorax occurs when the pleural cavity of the chest, which is in between the chest and lungs filled with gas or air. There is pressure on the lungs and can lead to partial or complete collapse. There may be no specific reason for this condition, but one of whom chest trauma. Cough, unilateral chest pain and anxiety may be caused to the patient. Sound breath taken or partially or completely absent on the affected side. Bronchial rupture pipes, this gap trachea, leading to shortness of breath or dyspnea leads to a sudden crackling subcutaneous. Tachycardia, hypotension, anxiety and extreme possibly hemoptysis are typical signs of bronchial rupture. Rupture of the esophagus may rupture or perforation of the esophagus due to the use of medical instruments used for diagnostic purposes. P Another reason may be postoperative injury or disease related to the esophagus. The condition is rare and affects only 3 100,000. If caught, it can cause local tenderness, severe pain in the neck and orthostatic dizziness. Disproportionate expansion of the chest with nasal burning and fever are also present. Gas gangrene is extremely rare but very dangerous intrusion into the skin over the wound anaerobic microorganisms. Break the skin expose black and red necrotic muscle is accompanied by an unpleasant odor of watery discharge. Cyanosis, fever, inflammation and pain are prominent. As in that no special treatment of this disease, except that section, or catheters that are placed into the skin to release the air enclosed in the thoracic cavity. This is called subcutaneous emphysema. P Even transplanting lungs happens sometimes. This is done in case of severe crunch, and if moderate, supplemental oxygen through a mask to control shortness of breath, as there is patient. The doctor will give advice to refrain from smoking and avoid areas contaminated with dust and smoke. When pneumothorax is the cause of emphysema, the

subcutaneous emphysema chest tubes are used to support the tab situation. With placement of chest tube, the source through which air is removed. If the number of air leaks in it increases the existing pipes can be replaced by one more. Reference: See also: 14. September 2010.

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