Friday, February 24, 2012

The average american gets more than enough protein, so

To prevent osteoporosis avoid: I think one of the leading participants to osteoporosis >> << in the U.S. carbonated drinks that contain phosphorus. Studies have shown a link between too much phosphorus and calcium loss. If you are absorbing down a couple of carbonated soft drinks per day, you are likely

a bone loss. Another source of excessive phosphorus our U.S.

eating too much meat. The average American gets more than enough protein, so

for most of us it can only help to reduce our consumption of meat. The recent trend >> << among those who love food but do not like the consequences of too much fat and protein

is to use meat as a garnish or flavoring in food, but not

, bulk. Fill in vegetables and complex carbohydrates (whole grains, potatoes

rice, corn, beans), and use the meat to enrich your diet. Beans >> << excellent and nutritious source of protein and contain many important vitamins and minerals

. Coffee, alcohol and smoking cigarettes

Here is another good reason to either give up coffee and alcohol

or use them in moderation. And I must tell you how important it is

quit now! (It

is never too late to take advantage >> << quit). Each of these substances creates a negative calcium balance

in the body. Substances called fitaty and oxylates bind with calcium in >> << colon and form insoluble salt that makes calcium in vain. Bone

content of minerals of smokers is 15-30% lower in women and 10-20% lower in

men. Smoking is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis. Twice >> << Many women with osteoporosis smoke as compared with women who have osteoporosis

. Aluminum Do not take antacids with aluminum and do not use aluminum pans

cooking. It was shown that small amounts of aluminum-containing antacids

increase the urinary excretion of calcium and prevent the absorption

fluoride and inhibit absorption of phosphorus, creating a >> << a negative balance of calcium. Calcium is excreted instead of

used. Diuretics medications that cause loss of body water. With water you lose minerals, especially calcium, magnesium and potassium

. They are widely used in traditional medicine to treat high blood pressure

, leg edema and congestive heart disease. People who

use diuretics have a higher risk of fractures. If you want to use diuretics,

try a gentle herbal, such as dandelion root in a tincture, capsule or tea

. Fluoride What is so bad about fluoride? You probably think this is just

builds purchase lasix good teeth. There is a good, solid scientific evidence that fluoride >> << drinking water increases the risk of hip fractures by 20-40%. So much fluoride

was introduced in our water and toothpaste for the past 30 years

level in our water, food and drinks are very high. When eating a normal diet the average person

exceed the recommended dose. There is also evidence that

ingesting high fluoride can lead to abnormal bone growth. Please avoid

fluoride in all forms including toothpastes and mouthwashes. You can be thankful, if you live in the community >> << unfluoridated because it is not so easy to get rid of fluoride in tap water. Distillation and reverse osmosis are the only two reliable methods of disposal

fluoride. Other water filters can work on removing fluoride for a short period of time >> << but fluoride binds so strongly and quickly filter materials

, such as coal, binding sites become fully occupied after

short time. If you are at high risk of osteoporosis, I recommend you spend money on

water filter that removes fluoride. High doses of cortisone known osteoporosis risk long-term treatment

with synthetic cortisone such as prednisone. With cortisone (or more

correctly, glucocorticoids) that are closely related to progesterone in th

Molecular structure of the theory is that they compete for the same receptor sites

bone-building cells. However, while progesterone gives bones the message

grow cortisone give bones the message to stop growing. If you

should be on cortisone, talk to your doctor about using low-dose natural cortisone called >> << hydrocortisone, not synthetic cortisone. You can see the

. him or her to book

safe use of Cortisol by William Jeffries

. Bone mineral density (IPC) test is one of the best ways to find out if you are losing bone at >> << someone measure the height and then check it every six months or so. If

You start to lose altitude, it is a sure sign that you are losing bone at the back

. I recommend that women at risk of developing osteoporosis receive bone density measurement

how they are going into menopause. So you will have the basic

with which to compare later bone density test to measure progress

. The safest and most accurate way to measure bone Photon

absorbtsiometriya and dual energy x-ray Absorbtiometry (DEXA), which is 96-98%

accurate and uses very low doses of X rays. I do not recommend CT as they

use too high X-ray radiation. A new method of measuring bone loss is

called "urinary pyridinium," which measures the substance in urine >> << that may indicate a rapid turnover of bone. For more article that bone density tests

really mean and how to interpret them, please read

October 98 issue of the newsletter >>. In two words

<< If you smoke, stop now. Reduce or eliminate coffee and alcohol. (No more than

one cup of coffee and alcoholic drinks a day. If you are at high risk I advise elimination


Get some exercise at least encumbrance 1:00

three times a week or 20 minutes every day. Avoid antacids and hydrochloric acid (H2) blockers

such as Tagamet, Zantac and Pepcid. Avoid prescription drugs that cause bone loss, such as

diuretics and synthetic cortisone. If you are over 50 years, to avoid fluoride toothpastes

, mouthwash and tap water. If you live in the community fluorinated

and high risk of osteoporosis, investments in water filter that removes fluoride

. For more detailed osteoporosis, please read Chapter

for osteoporosis in our book >>. <<

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