Friday, February 24, 2012

Despite the increased risk of atrial fibrillation ...

(Zoledronovoyi acid, Novartis)

(ryzedronat, Sanofi-Aventis/Proctor Gamble)

(pamidronat, Novartis)

(ryzedronat, Warner Chilcott)

(ibandronat, Roche)

(ibandronat, Genentech / Roche)


(alendronate, Merck)

(Alendronate + vitamin D3, Merck)

(zoledronovoyi acid, Novartis )

(tiludronate, Sanofi-Aventis)

(zoledronovoyi acid, Novartis)

Since 1995, millions of older women have a class of drugs called bisphosphonates

, to stop the progression of osteoporosis, provided that after menopause causes bones thin and become brittle. For postmenopausal women, osteoporosis can mean not only distort the widows hump, but in severe cases can lead to fractures of the spine and hip. Bisphosphonates stop bone-thinning development of bones, preventing loss of calcium and other minerals that keep them strong. Some drugs bisphosphonates are also used to treat patients with bone cancer dangerous high levels of calcium in the blood and the victims of disease Pagets, painful disorder that weakens bones Many bisphosphonates are taken orally, or in tablets or capsules,. Others introduced by injection or intravenously and can be taken daily, weekly, monthly or even annually, evidence, now is that these drugs may pose health risks .. much worse than the condition of their prevention or treatment. On the one hand, these popular drugs are prescribed by many women who suffer from osteoporosis, but instead had osteopenia loss of bone mineral density, which is normal for most older women. However, not every woman who has osteopenia will develop osteoporosis. manufacturers promote long-term use of these drugs for osteoporosis without studying their potential long-term effects. As it turned out, because the cure for osteoporosis have an unusually long half-life, they remain a threat for over a decade after someone stops taking drugs . Recent studies are indicated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have shown that women who took bisphosphonates for more than five years had an increased risk of atypical femur (thigh). fractures recently reported this risk came to n ' five numerous reports of jaw osteonecrosis, esophageal cancer, and arrhythmias associated with osteoporosis medications A recent study confirms that doctors are more and more of their patients. This class of drugs for osteoporosis is a serious threat to health and safety of millions of people Atypical podvertelnyh fractures (fractures of long bones), especially the hip and thigh bones of many patients who have suffered fractures experienced groin or thigh pain weeks in advance .. some broken hips, doing something simple like get out of bed or shodyachy the sidewalk. One Research, the number of patients taking bisphosphonates drugs broke both legs. osteonecrosis (ONJ for short, sometimes called bisphossy jaw), which literally means the death of jaw bone. This is especially widespread after major dental procedures, and requires extensive antibiotic therapy and / or surgical intervention. In some cases call for that part of the jaw, the long (cut out surgically) and can lead to prolonged disability. esophageal cancer through stimulation of the esophagus (tube that carries food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach). It was suggested that inflammation esophagus associated with the development of esophageal cancer. While the relationship is not proven, FDA has recorded at least 68 cases of esophageal cancer in patients taking oral bisphosphonates, many of whom died. Early studies have shown that, especially when prolonged use, patients taking these drugs osteoporosis face twice the risk of developing esophageal cancer than seen in the general population. arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation. In 2007

New England Journal of Medicine reported that Reclast and Fosamax were two studies involved women aged 65 to 89 years, all of whom had osteoporosis and were treated with bisphosphonates. Although the increased risk of atrial fibrillation was noted, as reflected in lasix 80 mg the labeling warning Reclast FDA still does not recognize the clear link between the general influence of bisphosphonates and rate of serious or frivolous atrial fibrillation. doctors continue to over-prescribe these dangerous drugs and manufacturers continue. more to promote them yet, at least ten years, current research shows link between osteoporosis drugs and devastating damage:

Back in 2003 , >> << Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Maxillofacial called necrosis jaw growing epidemic. Its author, Dr. Robert Marx, a major maxillo-facial surgery at the University of Miami. Dr. Marx details the state of 36 patients with painful bone exposure responds to ... surgical or medical treatment. In these patients had one thing in common. all received bisphosphonates intravenously Just a few months later, in 2004, Dr. Salvatore Ruggiero Long Island Jewish Hospital published

: 63 patients with osteonecrosis of the jaw, 56 of cancer and 7 with osteoporosis. In October 2007 the FDA issued a warning with reference to the articles and letters to the editor in the May 3, 2007, issue of

New England Journal of Medicine. article and letters describing two different studies, increased rate of atrial fibrillation in elderly women with osteoporosis who received Reclast and Fosamax., refers to a large study zoledronovoyi acid (also known as Zometa), showing statistically significant increased rate of serious atrial fibrillation. to June 2009 was a sufficient number of studies have confirmed the danger to bring down the bones, joints and / or muscle pain in patients taking bisphosphonates drugs such as Actonel, Actonel + Ca, Aredia, Боніва, Didronel, Fosamax, Fosamax + D, Reclast, Skelid, and Zometa. FDA published

warning that severe musculoskeletal pain may occur within days, months or years after starting bisphosphonates. These issues are now considered some of the labeling of products, although many patients and their doctors known. Recent FDA Drug Safety Communications will bring observation research communications podvertelnyh hip fractures and patients with osteoporosis treated with bisphosphonates. B, FDA recommends only that doctors be aware of these risks. a security update >> << However, FDA has indicated that although it is not clear if bisphosphonates cause ... these atypical fractures may be associated with long-term use of bisphosphonates. This information has been added Warnings and precautions in the labeling of all bisphosphonates drugs approved for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. In addition, FDA requires new restrictions on the use statement

Indications and use of the drug label and new management took prescription medicine to accompany in pharmacies. In September 2010

American Society for bone and mineral studies provided diagnostic criteria called for improved drug warning labels, and called on the international registry of patients for bisphosphonates caused atypical or long bone fractures podvertelnyh. (For links to current information about the patient and to the current labeling, click on the products listed separately on top of this page ).

Although the FDA continues to wait for epidemiological studies for risk of osteoporosis drugs, millions of patients ingesting bisphosphonates since 1995 are in grave danger. Unfortunately, little was done to let this valuable information on patient safety, or require Merck, Novartis, and other manufacturers of bisphosphonates to fund appropriate studies to assess long-term risks and effectiveness of this class of drugs for osteoporosis. Numerous lawsuits were filed, and court efforts are made to coordinate state and federal cases in New York, Pennsylvania, California and New Jersey. By 2010, most of these claims were limited to intravenous drug Fosamax and Aredia and Zometa. Most of them involved patients suffered osteonecrosis of the jaw to the drug labels warn of those dangers. Since 2010, legal efforts have been focused on the atypical long bone fractures of the femur or the air 'associated with osteoporosis drugs. anticipated that future claims will be extended to cover the whole spectrum. new bisphosphonates such as Boniva and Actonel, which have the potential to cause harm in the same time, it is to patients, especially postmenopausal women, make informed decision on osteoporosis drugs:

Learn more about osteoporosis. One good resource.anabolic research llc conversation with their doctors. Stay up to date with new information. willingness to symptoms of bisphosphonates, drug-related conditions.

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